Back to the Volcano

Our earlier visit to the erupting Geldingadalur was a bit disappointing.

But guide Arnie reported that the volcano had awoken and was ejecting lava once more.

We confirmed this via webcams.

We chose not to risk waiting until the next day (when the volcano could slumber again, or clouds could roll in).

Rather we prolonged our penultimate day in Iceland day and visited the volcano that evening.

It was still light in the summer because Iceland is so far north.

We still feared clouds may spoil our show, but the weather held clear and we crossed the mountain ridge to our first view of lava sloshing about in the cone.


We quickened our steps and arrived at the previous viewpoint, with the cone now visible.

On this particular evening the volcano seemed to be in a rhythm - about 15 minutes off, then 5-6 minutes of eruption, lava bursting from the cone and often splashing to the sides.

We we were very much at a safe distance - I’d like to have been even closer.


We did had a great vantage point though - most tourists seemed to be parking and hiking to a far more distant point (I think they lacked Arnie’s local knowledge of the best trails).

But prime position was for those who were dropped by helicopter to an “island” in the black lava field, somewhat closer to the action.

My abiding memory was the smell - sulphurous.

And the sound - the lava sloshing about its stone bowl reminded be a rough sea smashing against rocks.


We stayed for 4-5 cycles, then trekked back to the car.

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